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Saturday, June 21, 2008
7:30 PM
Tiburon Music Festival
Two from Tiburon

Contemporary Opera Marin presents two works by Tiburon composers Ron McFarland and Vincent Stadlin.

Tamsen Donner, Ron McFarland's riveting psychological drama, to a libretto by Maria Woodward, relives the last few days of the Donner family in this important chapter of California history. The production, directed by Rick Wallace, features Carole Klein, Boyd Jarrell, Michael P. Mendelsohn, Liza Wallace, and Mackenzie Adams.

Erik by Vincent Stadlin is a coming-of-age drama set during the Vietnam War. This world premier, directed by Shelley Lynn Johnson, features Linda Noble Brown, Stefan Schermerhorn, and Michael Crozier.

Program length is approximately 90 minutes.

St. Hilary Church
761 Hilary Drive
Tiburon, California

(415) 457-5226
