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Monday, September 16, 2024

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nicholas xenelis

Bio: The Santa Rosa Chamber Orchestra (formerly the Baroque Sinfonia of Sonoma County, California) is a small chamber orchestra of the approximate size and instrumentation of Haydn's day. The personnel are all volunteer musicians from many walks of life who perform for their own enjoyment as well as for the enjoyment of others. In existence since November of 1971, its principal purpose is the performance of lesser-known works of the Baroque, Rococo, early Classical, and Contemporary periods. Each performance features an outstanding soloist from northern California. Photograph of the Santa Rosa Chamber Orchestra Concerts are held in small intimate venues, usually local churches. The orchestra performs three sets of concerts each season.
Email: nikolodeonx@yahoo.com
Presenter Affiliation:
Member Since: Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 9, 2018
Driving into the Green Music Center parking lot Feb. 10 I knew there was something unusual taking place since the lot was nearly full. Was another event going on this same night? A large crowd in Weill Hall isn’t expected for chamber music, in this case with the Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet.

SSU Orchestra Director Alex Kahn led a pre-concert discussion and the players with their German accents and broken English made a strong connection with the audience. Oboist Andreas Wittmann a... more

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